Engineered Materials and Structures Lab (EMSL)
C28. Sharma A, Naskar S, Mukhopadhyay T, Origami-inspired programmable shape transitions enabled by kinematic mapping. Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (SSDM2025), Houston, Texas, May, 2025.
C27. Mondal S, Mukhopadhyay T, Naskar S, Real-time programming of shear-axial mode ratios in piezoelectric metamaterials. Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (SSDM2025), Houston, Texas, May, 2025.
C26. Sharma A, Naskar S, Mukhopadhyay T, Programmable shape morphing: Unleashing the potential of spatially graded derivatives of miura architecture. UK Association of Computational Mechanics (UKACM) conference 2025, Queen Mary University of London, April, 2025.
C25. Mondal S, Mukhopadhyay T, Naskar S, Partial mode cloaking via axial-shear coupling in piezoelectrically tuned mechanical metamaterials. UK Association of Computational Mechanics (UKACM) conference 2025, Queen Mary University of London, April, 2025.
C24. Mondal S, Mukhopadhyay T, Naskar S, A Highly Automated Unit-Cell Based Brute-Force Approach for Active Metamaterials. AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, January, 2025.
C23. Sharma A, Naskar S, Mukhopadhyay T, Origami-inspired tubular multi-functional metamaterials. 1st Young Researchers Conference 2024, Southampton, November 2024.
C22. Mondal S, Mukhopadhyay T, Naskar S, Active mechanical metamaterials: On optimal voltage efficiency. 1st Young Researchers Conference 2024, Southampton, November 2024.
C21. Patil P, Naskar S, Guruprasad PJ, Influence of material and geometrical uncertainties on the dynamic behavior of reducible composite structure. Fourth International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS), Bengaluru, India, December 2024.
C20. Mondal S, Mukhopadhyay T, Naskar S, Constitutive Modelling of Transient Mechanical Behavior of Bio-inspired fluid-saturated poroelastic beams. Engineering Porous Materials at Multiple Scales (EPoMM) conference, Bath, UK, September 2024.
C19. Mondal S, Mukhopadhyay T, Naskar S, On Optimal Placement of Piezoelectric Elements in Active Mechanical Metamaterials. 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Lisboa, Portugal, June 2024.
C18. Sharma A, Naskar S, Mukhopadhyay T, Tailoring the mechanical responses of metamaterial through a waterbomb-based tubular architecture. 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Lisboa, Portugal, June 2024.
C17. Patil P, Guruprasad PJ, Naskar S, Stochastic flexural buckling response of thin-walled composite strips. 9th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulations, IIT Gandhinagar, India, December 2023.
C16. Naskar S, Alam S, Surrogate-Driven Hybrid Fusion Technique for Digital twin Framework: Manufacturing Bending Operation for Complex Engineering System. 18th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis, American Nuclear Society, Knoxville, TN, July 2023.
C15. Naskar S, Alam S, Machine learning assisted robust design optimization for deep computational framework for uncertainty quantification. 18th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis, American Nuclear Society, Knoxville, TN, July 2023.
C14. Awasthi M, Tiwari P, Naskar S, Mukhopadhyay T, Transversely curved honeycomb lattice metamaterials for enhancing mode-dependent specific stiffness: A computational investigation based on 3D degenerated shell elements. UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM), University of Warwick, UK, April 2023.
C13. Basak P, Shingare K, Naskar S, Mukhopadhyay T, Electromechanical response of partial nano unimorph beams considering surface and flexoelectric effects. 67th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), IIT Mandi, India, December 2022.
C12. Shingare K, Naskar S, Effect of size-dependent properties on electromechanical behaviour of composite structures. UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM), Loughborough University, UK, April 2021.
C11. Shingare K, Naskar S, Electromechanical Behavior of Graphene-Based Composite Plate with Flexoelectric Effect. 35th Indian Engineering Congress, The Institution of Engineers, New Delhi, India, December 2020. (Best paper award)
C10. Naskar S, Sriramula S. On Quantifying the Effect of Noise in Radial Basis Based Stochastic Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Beam. 18 European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, June 2018.
C9. Naskar S, Mukhopadhyay T, Sriramula S, Non-probabilistic analysis of laminated composites based on fuzzy uncertainty quantification. 20th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS20), Paris, France, September 2017.
C8. Naskar S, Sriramula S, Random Field Based Approach for Quantifying the Spatial Variability in Composite Laminates. 20th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS20), Paris, France, September 2017.
C7. Naskar S, Sriramula S, Vibration analysis of hollow circular laminated composite beams - A stochastic approach. 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Vienna, Austria, August 2017.
C6. Naskar S, Sriramula S, Effective Elastic Property of Randomly Damaged Composite Laminates. Engineering Postgraduate Research Symposium, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, April 2017.
C5. Bhalla S, Suresh ., Moharana S, Visalakshi T, Kaur N. and Naskar S, Invited Talk: Multi-Disciplinary Applications of Piezo-Sensors: Structural Health Monitoring, Bio-mechanics and Energy Harvesting. National conference on recent advances and future prospects in civil engineering 2015, Centurian university of technology and management, Bhuvaneshwar, India, February 2015.
C4. Naskar S, Bhalla S, Recent Developments in Metal Wire Based Electro-Mechanical Impedance Technique for Structural Health Monitoring. 9th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, New Delhi, India, November 2014.
C3. Bhalla S, Kaur N, Naskar S, Virtual Smart Structures and Dynamics Lab: Towards Teaching Advanced Concepts Online.9th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, New Delhi, India, November 2014.
C2. Naskar S, Bhalla S, Experimental Investigations of Metal Wire Based EMI Technique for Steel Structures. 7th ISSS International Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems ISSS 2014, Banglore, India, July 2014.
C1. Naskar S, Bhalla S, Investigation into Metal Wire Based Variant of EMI Technique for Structural Health Monitoring. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Automobile Variant of EMI Technique for Structural Health Monitoring and Aerospace Engineering (AMAAE - 2013), Volume: Vol 6, No. 6 pp. 795- 800, Delhi, India, September 2013.