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Refereed Journal Publications:

 *note: All papers are indexed in SCI/ SCI Expanded/ WoS


          Notable Recent Papers


  • Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S. (2025) Active heterogeneous mode coupling in bi-level multi-physically architected metamaterials for temporal, on-demand and tunable programming, Communications Engineering, Nature Publication Preprint version (In Press)


  • Tiwari P., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2025) Nonlinear functionally graded metamaterials for hydrogen storage and enhanced sustainability under extreme environments, Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier Publication, (210) 112901 View at publisher


  • Kundu D., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T. (2024) Active mechanical cloaking for unsupervised damage resilience in programmable elastic metamaterials, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 382 20230360, 2024, Royal Society View at publisher   â€‹â€‹


  • Khurana A., Naskar S., Varma R. K., Mukhopadhyay T., (2023) Smart electro-magneto-viscoelastomer minimum energy structures with particle-reinforcements: Theoretical equilibrium and nonlinear dynamics of actuated configurations, International Journal of Engineering Science, 103974, 2024, Elsevier Publication. View at publisher  


  • Garg A., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., (2024) Effective Elementary-level Intrusive Coupling of Machine Learning for Efficient Mechanical Analysis of Variable Stiffness Composite Laminates: A Spatially-adaptive Fidelity-sensitive Computational Framework, Composites Engineering with Computers, Springer Publication. (In Press). View at publisher  â€‹â€‹


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Chronological List




J55. Active heterogeneous mode coupling in bi-level multi-physically architected metamaterials for temporal, on-demand and tunable programming​​


Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S. 

Communications Engineering, Nature Publication. (In Press)

Preprint version

54. Nonlinear functionally graded metamaterials for hydrogen storage and enhanced sustainability under extreme environments​​

Tiwari P., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.

Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier Publication, (210) 112901

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​53. Poling-architected graded piezoelectric energy harvesters: On exploiting inevitable rotational speed variability​​


Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S. 

AIAA Journal, AIAA Publication(In Press)

Preprint version​​​​​​​​


J52. Stochastic dynamic response of delaminated flexbeam like structures​​


Patil P., Naskar S., Vinoda MT., Harursampath D., Guruprasad PJ.

AIAA Journal, AIAA Publication

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​J51. Effective elastic properties of 3D lattice materials with intrinsic stresses: Bottom-up spectral characterization and constitutive programming​​


Sinha, P., Kundu, D., Naskar, S., Mukhopadhyay, T. 

Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier Publication, 140, 115786

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J50. Elementary-level Intrusive Coupling of Machine Learning for Efficient Mechanical Analysis of Variable Stiffness Composite Laminates: A Spatially-adaptive Fidelity-sensitive Computational Framework​​


Garg A.,  Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.

Engineering with Computers, Springer Publication, 1-28. 

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J49. Multi-scale stochastic dynamic analysis of a damaged pretwisted composite strip 


Patil P., Naskar S., Guruprasad PJ.

Journal of Composite Materials, Sage Publication. 2024;0(0) . doi:10.1177/00219983241297095

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J48. Polyurethane/Carbon Nanotube-Based ThermoSense Electronic Skin: Perception to Decision Making Aided by IoT Brain


Haridas CP A., Pillai S., Naskar S., Mondal T., Naskar K.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (36), ACS Publication.  

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J47. Frequency-band programmable piezoelectric energy harvesters with variable substrate material, tip mass and fractal architectures: Experimental and numerical investigations


Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Scarpa F., Naskar S. 

Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis Publication  (2024) DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2024.2390074

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J46. Constitutive behavior of asymmetric multi-material honeycombs with bi-level variably-thickened composite architecture


Awasthi M., Singh A., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.

Thin-Walled Structures, 112183, (2024) Elsevier Publication.  

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J45. Active mechanical cloaking for unsupervised damage resilience in programmable elastic metamaterials


Kundu D., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 382 20230360, 2024, Royal Society

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J44. On exploiting nonparametric kernel-based probabilistic machine learning over the large compositional space of high entropy alloys for optimal nanoscale ballistics


Gupta K. K., Barman S., Dey S., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.

Scientific Reports, (4) 167952024, 2024, Nature Portfolio

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J43. On exploiting the architecture of annual ring growth for developing a new class of bio-inspired composites â€‹â€‹


Shingare K., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S.

Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis Publication (In Press)

Preprint version

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​J42. Advances of MXene heterostructure composites in the area of sensing and biomedical applications: an overview


Ponnada S., Kiai M., Yadav S., Palariya A., Rao Vusa C., Bose R., Nehra A., Datta S., Pawar R., Martynkova G.,  Gadkari S., Naskar S., Sharma R.

Applied Materials Today, 102310, 2024, Elsevier Publication.

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J41. Investigation of Moving Load-Induced Vibrations in Layered Functionally Graded Terfenol-D Beams: A Differential Quadrature Method And Analytical Approach


Patil M., Saraf S., Kadoli R., Naskar S.

Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2024, Taylor & Francis Publication. DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2024.2354525

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J40. Smart electro-magneto-viscoelastomer minimum energy structures with particle-reinforcements: Theoretical equilibrium and nonlinear dynamics of actuated configurations


Khurana A., Naskar S., Varma R. K., Mukhopadhyay T.

International Journal of Engineering Science, 103974, 2024, Elsevier Publication. 

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J39. Nonlinear Stability of Curved Multi-phase Composite Panels: Influence of Agglomeration in Randomly Distributed Carbon Nanotubes with Non-uniform In-plane Loads


Chakraborty S., Naskar S., Dey T., Kumar R., Mukhopadhyay T.

Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 37 (3), 2024, American Society of Civil Engineers Publication. 

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J38. Differential-Integral Quadrature Numerical Solution for Free and Forced Vibration Of Bidirectional Functionally Graded Terfenol-D Curved Beam


Patil M., Kadoli R., Saraf S., Naskar S.

Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2023, Taylor & Francis Publication. DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2023.2297246

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J37. Micro Scratch Behavior Study of Titanium Dioxide and Graphene Nanoplatelets Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites


Shubham, Naskar S., Ray B. K.

Polymer Science Series A, 2023, Springer Publication. DOI: 10.1134/S1560090423600298

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J36. On characterizing the viscoelastic electromechanical responses of functionally graded graphene-reinforced piezoelectric laminated composites: Temporal programming based on a semi-analytical higher-order framework


Mondal S., Shingare K, Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S.

Mechanics Based Design of Structures and  Machines, 2023, Taylor & Francis Publication.  DOI:10.1080/15397734.2023.2255256 

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J35. Effective elastic moduli of space-filled multi-material composite lattices


Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Kundu D., Adhikari S.

Composites Communications, 42 101656, 2023, Elsevier Publication. 

'Most read article on October 2023 in the Elsevier  Library'

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J34. Exploring buckling and post-buckling behavior of incompressible hyperelastic beams through innovative experimental and computational approaches


Azarniya O., Forooghi A., Bidhendi MV., Zangoei A., Naskar S.

Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2023, Taylor & Francis Publication.

DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2023.2242473 

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J33. 'Magic' of twisted multi-layered graphene and 2D nano-heterostructures


Saumya K., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.

Nano Futures, 7 032005, 2023, IOP Publishing

'Most read article on October 2023 in the Nano Futures  Library'

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J32. Synergistic Overview and Perspectives of 2-D Heterostructures for Cathodes and Separators in Flexible Li-S Batteries


Kiai MS, Ponnada S., Mansoor M., Aslfattahi N., Naskar S.

Energy & Fuels,  37, 15, 10827–10842, 2023, ACS Publications. 

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J31. Multi-level fully-integrated electromechanical property modulation of functionally graded graphene-reinforced piezoelectric actuators: Coupled effect of poling orientation


Singh K., Shingare K. B., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S.

Advanced Theory and Simulations, 6(4) 2200756,  2023, Wiley Publication.

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J30. Programmed out-of-plane curvature to enhance the multi-modal stiffness of bending-dominated composite lattices


Tiwari P., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.

AIAA Journal, 61(4) 1820-1838, 2023, AIAA Publication.

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J29. Sustainable Metal-Organic Framework Co-Engineered Glass Fiber Separators for Safer and Longer Cycle Life of Li-S Batteries


Ponnada S., Mansoor M., Aslfattahi N., Baydogan N., Naskar S., Sharma RK, Kiai MS.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 941,  168962, 2023, Elsevier Publication. 

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J28. Development of Sustainable High Performance Geopolymer Concrete and Mortar Using Agricultural Biomass - A Strength Performance and Sustainability Analysis


Nagaraju V.,  Bahrami TA, Azab M., Naskar S.

Frontiers in Materials. 2023, DOI: 10.3389/fmats.2023.1128095.

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J27. Viscoelastic free vibration analysis of in-plane functionally graded orthotropic plates integrated with piezoelectric sensors: Time-dependent 3D analytical solutions


Singh A., Naskar S., Kumari P., Mukhopadhyay T.

Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 184 109636, 2023, Elsevier Publication.

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J26. Extreme specific stiffness through interactive cellular networks in bi-level micro-topology architected metamaterials


Kundu D., Ghuku S., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.

 Advanced Engineering Materials, 2201407, 2022, Wiley Publication.

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J25. Printable Graphene-Sustainable Elastomer-based Cross-Talk-Free Sensors for Point of Care Diagnostics


Sharma S., Selvan T. M., Naskar S.,  Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T., Mondal T.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(51) 57265–57280, 2022, ACS Publication.

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J24. On machine learning assisted data-driven bridging of FSDT and HOZT for high-fidelity uncertainty quantification of laminated composite and sandwich plates


Vaishali, Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Dey S. 
Composite Structures, 304 116276, 2022, Elsevier Publication

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J23. Printable Carbon Nanotube-Liquid Elastomer-based Multifunctional Adhesive Sensor for Monitoring of Physiological Parameters


Selvan T. M., Sharma S., Naskar S.,  Mondal S., Kaushal M., Mondal T.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 40, 45921–45933, 2022, ACS Publication.

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J22. Compound influence of surface and flexoelectric effects on static bending response of hybrid composite nanorod


Shingare K., Naskar S. 

The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 58 (2) 73-90. 2022, Sage Publication

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J21. Non-Intrusive Uncertainty Quantification for U3Si2 and UO2 Fuels with SiC/SiC Cladding using BISON for Digital Twin-Enabling Technology


Kobayashi K., Kumar D., Naskar S., Chakraborty S., Paaren K., Graham J., Alam S. 

Preprint version


J20. Physics-Informed Multi-Stage Deep Learning Framework Development for Digital Twin-Centred State-Based Reactor Power Prediction


Daniell J., Kobayashi K., Naskar S., Kumar D., Chakraborty S., Alajo A., Taber E., Graham J., Alam S. 

Preprint version


J19. Flexoelectricity and Surface Effects on Coupled Electromechanical Responses of Graphene Reinforced Functionally Graded Nanocomposites: A unified size-dependent semi-analytical framework


Naskar S., Shingare K., Mondal S., Mukhopadhyay T. 

Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 169 108757, 2022, Elsevier Publication.

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J18.Analytical Solution for Static and Dynamic Analysis of Graphene-Based Hybrid Flexoelectric Nanostructures


Shingare K., Naskar S. 

Journal of Composites Science, 5(3) 74, 2021, MDPI Publication.

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J17.Probing the prediction of effective properties for composite materials


Shingare K., Naskar S. 

European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 87, 104228, 2021, Elsevier Publication.

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J16.Probing the stochastic dynamics of coronaviruses: Machine learning assisted deep computational insights with exploitable dimensions


Mukhopadhyay T, Naskar S., Gupta KK, Kumar R, Dey S, Adhikari S. 

Advanced Theory and Simulations, 4 2000291, 2021, Wiley Publication.

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J15.Compound influence of topological defects and heteroatomic inclusions on the mechanical properties of SWCNTs


Roy A., Gupta K. K., Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T.,  Dey S. 

Materials Today Communications, 26 102021, 2021, Elsevier Publication.

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J14.Anisotropy tailoring in geometrically isotropic multi-material lattices


Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Adhikari S.

Extreme Mechanics Letters, 40 100934, 2020, Elsevier Publication,

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J13.Probing the effective Young's modulus of `magic angle' inspired multi-functional twisted nano-heterostructures


Mukhopadhyay T., Mahata A., Naskar S., Adhikari S.

Advanced Theory and Simulations, 3(10) 2000129, 2020, Willey Publication.

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J12.Stochastic oblique impact on composite laminates: A concise review and characterization of the essence of hybrid machine learning algorithms


Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Chakraborty S., Karsh P. K., Choudhury R., Dey S.

Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 28 1731–1760, 2020, Springer Publication.

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J11.Stochastic low-velocity impact analysis of sandwich plates including the effects of obliqueness and twist


Kumar R. R., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Pandey K. M., Dey S.

Thin-Walled Structures, 145 106411, 2019, Elsevier Publication

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J10.A hybrid stochastic sensitivity analysis for low-frequency vibration and low-velocity impact of functionally graded plates


Karsh P. K., Mukhopadhyay T., Chakraborty S., Naskar S., Dey S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 176 107221, 2019Elsevier Publication.

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J9. Condition assessment and strengthening of aged structures: Perspectives based on a critical case study


Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Dey S., Chakrabarti A. 

Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 24 (3) 05019003, 2019, ASCE publication. 

'Selected for Editor’s Choice section in the ASCE Library'

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J8. Probabilistic characterization for dynamics and stability of laminated soft core sandwich plates


Dey S., Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Dey T. K., Chalak H. D., Adhikari S.

Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 21(1) 366 - 397, 2019, SAGE Publication.

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J7. Spatially varying fuzzy multi-scale uncertainty propagation in unidirectional fibre reinforced composites


Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sriramula S. 

Composite Structures, 209 940-967, 2019, Elsevier Publication.

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J6. Effect of delamination on the stochastic natural frequencies of composite laminates


Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Karsh P. K., Dey S., You Z. 

Composites Part B: Engineering, 154 242-256, 2018, Elsevier Publication.

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J5. Probabilistic micromechanical spatial variability quantification in laminated composites


Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sriramula S. 

Composites Part B: Engineering, 151 291-325,  2018, Elsevier Publication.

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J4. Stochastic natural frequency analysis of damaged thin-walled laminated composite beams with uncertainty in micromechanical properties


Naskar S., Mukhopadhyay T., Sriramula S., Adhikari S.
Composite Structures, 160 312–334, 2017, Elsevier Publication. 

'Most Read Article' (as on January, 2017) 

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J3. Uncertain natural frequency analysis of composite plates including effect of noise – A polynomial neural network approach


Dey S., Naskar S.,  Mukhopadhyay T., Gohs U.,  Sriramula S.,  Adhikari S., Heinrich G. 

Composite Structures, 143 130–142, E2016, lsevier Publication. 

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J2. On quantifying the effect of noise in surrogate based stochastic free vibration analysis of laminated composite shallow shells


Mukhopadhyay T., Naskar S., Dey S., Adhikari S.

Composite Structures. 140  798–805, 2016, Elsevier Publication. 

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J1. Metal-wire-based twin one-dimensional orthogonal array configuration of PZT patches for damage assessment of two-dimensional structures


Naskar S., Bhalla S. 

Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 27(11) 1440-1460​, 2016, SAGE Publication.

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