Engineered Materials and Structures Lab (EMSL)

“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others”― Mandy Hale

Service to the society
Our students attended the Women's Eng. Society student conference with full funding support from University of Southampton.

Started working as an outreach coordinator Southampton University Women in Engineering Society

Serving as a judge in the panel on second-annual Women in STEM Symposium, supporting women in STEM at Johns Hopkins University

Worked as a mentor for physically challenged students in the School of Engineering at University of Aberdeen, UK.
Represented as the face of the university as a bright international student at the University of Aberdeen, UK.

Being a lifetime member of Women's Engineering Society, I attended seminars and delivered talks for women empowerment and their representation in engineering and science.
Taught school children during the period of pursuing master’s degree at IIT Delhi and worked for increasing the awareness of parents in child education.